Stressed, thy name is Desserts…

We’ve all seen it, “stressed is desserts backwards” or my personal favorite, “Too blessed to be stressed!”

Well the truth is, when you’re experiencing stress, no amount of cute sayings will help to lessen it.

The core of my stress is children. They are 15, 13, 11, 10, 5, and 1. At this moment the screaming is about ice that has been spilled onto the floor. Yes, it would be simpler to just pick it up, but the 11 year old has chosen to scream him into submission, which NEVER works.

The 13 and 10 year olds are, just boys, in every sense, both vying to be the alpha. Both suffer from television hypnotic coma symptomatic disease.

I am trying to live healthily, so dessert is out of the question. I consider myself a child of God, so in my head I know I’m blessed….. it’s just that certain circumstances challenge my faith on the regular.

Oh and did I say, that while my 15 year old does not cause me the usual teen issues, she is, however, challenging. She, in her own mind, knows EVERYTHING. Yes, I know, I was her age once upon a time many, many, moons ago.sigh

So, I can’t have dessert and yes, I need to get back to the Clean Eating plan. This year has been tragically tragic for my family.

Locking myself in the bathroom, watching the finger spider appear under the door, amuses me and yes, it does take the edge off.

If you know someone who seems even a little bit stressed, offer them more than a hug (and definitely more than a cute platitude). Offer to do something that will help them, pay a bill, watch a child, heck hire a sitter and take your friend for coffee or tea (not Starbucks, that in itself is another kind of stress). And know that sometimes all we really need is sleep, 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep!

The toddler giggles in the distance as I typed the last sentence, laugh out loud, chuckle.

Anywho, the next few weeks are stressful all on their own, so please be aware that the grumpy person may have a lot going on……. Thanks President Trump….. um… I just threw up a little….. sigh…….

Published by THEMrsSearcy

I wrote my very first novel in the third grade. I remember that it went the way of most loaned one of a kind books written in a ringed notebook. Many years later I lost yet another one that very same way. I no longer "loan" any of my original manuscripts. I'm presently working to finish each and everything I've started by the summer. There truly isn't any reason why I can't achieve that goal. It's been far too, no comments Cece Buffie... I know Girl. My Ace Boon... well you know LOVE YOU, LADY! I am happily married with children, a dog, and a turtle.

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